да пошли они все.
ни одного женского персонажа нормального, ни одного.
ебитесь конем.
ЭТО СТЕФАН!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Я ЛЮБЛЮ ЭТИХ ЛЮДЕЙ!!!!!!!! СТЕФАН!!!!!!!!!
я в восторге! мне захотелось об этом написать прямо после просмотра! этот фильм! я хочу, чтобы он взял все свои оскары, а потом их продали и тогда получился бы миллион долларов, который бы отдали старичкам всех штатов. особенно тем, кто одинок. и у которых нет тех, кто вот так может отвезти их в отчаянное путешествие за несуществующей мечтой...
мне напомнило одновременно и "маленькая мисс счастье" и "элизабеттаун". роудтрип, странный юмор, гениально безумные старички, грусть в улыбке и упорство. и семья, семья и еще раз семья.
настолько просто, без пафоса и таааак душевно.
на протяжении всего фильма я сто раз пообещала его себе посмотреть. ну это надо же!
читать дальше
So it’s in that spirit that I’d like to say this: Phil Hoffman, this kind, decent, magnificent, thunderous actor, who was never outwardly “right” for any role but who completely dominated the real estate upon which every one of his characters walked, did not die from an overdose of heroin — he died from heroin. We should stop implying that if he’d just taken the proper amount then everything would have been fine.
He didn’t die because he was partying too hard or because he was depressed — he died because he was an addict on a day of the week with a y in it. He’ll have his well-earned legacy — his Willy Loman that belongs on the same shelf with Lee J. Cobb’s and Dustin Hoffman’s, his Jamie Tyrone, his Truman Capote and his Academy Award. Let’s add to that 10 people who were about to die who won’t now.
Craig called me and said “What about Kristen?” And I said, “Oh, duh.” To be honest, when we were doing this was during the time when Bridesmaids came out, when the part of Maggie [Wiig's character] fell through and we had to find another Maggie. I was like, “Kristen is shooting all these other movies, she’s not gonna be available.” It was very sweet, Kristen called me and said, “Hey, I read Skeleton Twins, I really like it. I’d like to do it, but only if you’ll have me.” I was like, “Are you joking? Of course.” It didn’t even dawn on me until later that, oh yeah, we have this brother-sister relationship.
The majority of the conversation we had about Milo was, “Why is this guy self-sabotaging himself?” You know, “What’s he trying to get from Rich,” the Ty Burrell character? [Editor's note: A teacher Milo had a relationship with in high school.] It’s the first person he’s ever been in love with and that’s why he lies to him about being a writer and how he’s on a writer retreat because that’s the student-teacher relationship they had. It’s trying to get that out of him, because that acceptance from Rich that he really wants is love. He just needs that. And then it’s sweet because he ends up getting it from his sister in a harsher, real way. He goes there for the ex and he ends up finding his sister. That’s what Craig always said: “I kind of see this as a love story between a brother and a sister.”