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Andrew, could you talk about your great connection with Jesse? And do you have anything coming up in the future?
[laughs] Very good, very good. It’s a smart one. Um, my connection with Jesse… um, I could talk— I could talk about that for days and weeks and months and years. [Jesse pats him on the back] Um, yeah, no.
You probably shouldn’t.
No, I probably… but I will. Um, no, I mean, you know. We, uh… there were some subconscious forces happening as we were kind of going in on this kind of rehearsal process, and, you know, maybe it was probably more from just my own perspective, but, you know, I— my subconscious knew I had to fall in love with him. And see him as a brother. And, uh, you know, have a genuine love for him, and it was easy to project that on such a kind of innocent face [laughs] and innocent soul. And, uh, you know, it was really lovely to, uh… [laughs] It’s so weird and awkward saying this right here with you. Um, but I’m gonna keep going.
Yeah, I can leave.
No, stay, stay…. you need to hear this. But yeah, it was great. I’ve been a fan of Jesse as an actor, for, you know… ever since I saw The Squid and the Whale. You know, it was just a wonderful thing to be able to have a genuine connection with someone and allow that to bleed into, uh, not being filmed. We’d share rides together in the morning and we’d eat lobster in Boston and crab in Baltimore… wherever we’d go we’d have the shellfish of that specific area of the United States. Little things like that. And uh, yeah, it was just really, really a fun thing. And the second part of the question…? Oh yeah, that part. Yeah, no, I’m gonna be Spiderman.