Лайтман/Торрес. Избранное.
Who was it?- Should I call DC Gang Task Force, ask if they've heard of a threat against Holly Sando?
- Nope. Trillo didn't show any diception leakage: not when he denied threatening Sando, not when he was talking about the truce.
- He's a criminal. He's a fantastic liar.
- He's an appaling liar. He's atrocious.The one time he did lie was completely transparent. You should have seen that.
- So you think he's telling the truth?
- I don't think he's going back to the gang.
- Why is Holly Sando lying? If Trillo isn't threatening her, why is she lying for him?
- Oh I don't know. Could be any number of reasons.
- Yeah, but there aren't any! Man, you need to listen to me. You saw his anger, you know this guy is violent. You need... You need to listen to me.
- You need to stop making this personal.
- I'm not making this personal!
- Yeah, you are!
- Your procerus doesn't move, which means you had your nose fixed, right?
- You don't strike me as particulary vain, so... so what is it then?
- Who was it?
Was it your dad? Your dad smack you around?.. um?
- I know violent people.
They don't change.
You said so yourself. Once people learn this kind of triger...
- Who are you calling?
- I think you might be right in a way.
Put me through to Lietenant Governor Goldin, please. (ага, он ещё и ручонку на неё свою клал... так-так)))
I think you should go ahead and announce Trillo's release.
Let him go.
Yes, just one thing though...
i have... have the cops follow him.
Who made you who you are?- I'm sorry about before.
- Sometimes I see so much, i don't know how not to tell people.
- Yeah, I get that.
- You're right, most people don't change. I mean, I've been there waiting for it, hoping for it and then they just don't. But there are a few, I think, who can.
- Any other life lessons?
- When someone bashes you around, who's twice your size, just whenever he feels like, you learn to read emotions pretty fast. We adapt to survive. Your abuse made you a natural. He made you what you are.
- Well i'll be sure to thank him.
- Uh.
- So what about you?
- I'm not a natural, I had to learn this.
- Why'd you want to learn? What, you all of a sudden became obsessed with facial expressions? I didn't think so. So who was it? Who made you who you are?..