понедельник, 21 марта 2011
Did you guys get any time together off set? Go to ball games or anything?Yeah. We did. Me and Jesse, after Boston we were shooting in
Baltimore for four days, and we spent Halloween in Baltimore on our own
hanging around this awful shopping mall with a Hard Rock Café and a
Cheesecake Factory and a Borders. And then we saw a Ravens game. We saw a
Celtics game when we were in Boston, which was fucking amazing. And
Jesse got the green clover drawn on his face. He has all these different
personality facets. He’s so smart and so funny and so cerebral and
neurotic and vulnerable. But then very defensive and then kind of stupid
and irreverent. But mostly geniusly funny, and can turn any situation
into something Seinfeldian. He may differ with this because he’s a
contrarian, but I feel like our relationship reflected the best friends
thing during shooting. For me, anyway.