1) Sorkin’s shooting sсript was 162 pages—a screenplay that, using normal one-page-equals-one-minute Hollywood calculus, would have yielded a two-hour-and-42-minute film instead of the one Fincher made, which clocks in at a fleet two hours, not including closing credits. After
Sony looked at the draft and told them they’d have to cut the sсript, Fincher says he and Sorkin went back to his office, “and I took out my iPhone and put the little stopwatch on and handed the sсript to Aaron and said, ‘Start reading.’ He was done in an hour and 59 minutes. I called the studio back and said, ‘No, we can do this. If we do it the way Aaron just spoke it, it’ll be two hours.”
2) Sorkin’s characters, says Fincher, “are people who need to work their way through the kelp beds of their own thought processes on their way to the exact idea they’ve been trying to find.” And Eisenberg was “the first person who could do Sorkin better than Sorkin. He can just
flat-out fly. You can see in his eyes that he’s searching for the best way to articulate something in the middle of articulating two other things.”
3) “He’d be on set with Jesse, and I’d be on the other side of the room,” says Andrew Garfield, who plays Saverin, “and I’d overhear him saying to Jesse [about Saverin], ‘This guy had to go—he couldn’t keep up with you. He had to be cut off.’ Then he’d notice me listening, and he’d come over and say, ‘But you’re absolutely right too.’ He would justify both sides constantly. I just trusted him and the sсript implicitly.”
4) When Sorkin and Fincher disagreed, it was usually over a minor visual or textual detail—with Sorkin arguing for the dramatist’s prerogative to make some things up, and Fincher countering that whenever they knew the facts, they should stick to them, right down to the drink in Zuckerberg’s hand the night he hacked into Harvard’s student databases. In reality and in the movie, it was a Beck’s, although Sorkin forcefully argued it should be a screwdriver, making the case that it would telegraph Zuckerberg’s intention to get drunk on that fateful night more than cracking a beer would. Could this possibly matter? Actually, yes, sort of. “I was mostly picking a fight with David,” says Sorkin, “because I wanted to have it out with him on the question, what is the big deal about accuracy purely for accuracy’s sake, and can we not have the true be the enemy of the good?”
“Aaron is used to thinking fast and making bold decisions,” says Fincher. “He comes from TV, where you don’t have time to pick gnat-shit out of pepper. But in the movies, my whole thing is, everything we put on the screen, even a prop, is going to be debated and scrutinized, so we need to make sure it’s not saying something we don’twant it to say.”
5) Sorkin pauses before answering, which is not a rhetorical device he often employs. “When you’re writing nonfiction,” he says, “that’s always a question that you’re wrestling with, especially when you’re writing about people who are still alive. On one hand, you don’t want to screw around with people’s lives, you never want to say anything that isn’t true, and you don’t want to mess with history. On the other hand, this isn’t a documentary. Art isn’t about what happened, and the properties of people and the properties of ‘characters’ are two completely different things. There’s a set of facts I’m dealing with, and I try to imagine motivations and fill in blanks that none of us can see. But the question of truth … the very first words out of Mark’s mouth in the present-day part of the movie are, ‘That’s not what happened.’ And that’s my signal to the audience that there are going to be any number of unreliable narrators. This isn’t the movie that’s going to tell you ‘Mark Zuckerberg stole Facebook,’ or that he didn’t. But,” he says, “we would sure love for those arguments to happen in the parking lot.”
@темы: бэмби, золотистый ретривер, футбол©, финчер и пингвины©, Аарону Соркину надо запретить спать, есть и отвлекаться на всякие несущественные материальные дела, и не отрываться от написания сценариев. он гений. я хочу вырасти и стать Аароном Соркиным!©, Эдуардо Саверен может ходить по Ред Буллу©